Surgical Optimization as Part of a Multidisciplinary Approach to 3D Cell Culture Chemosensitivity in HGG Patients (Session 5 of 6)
High Grade Glioma (HGG) Functional Precision Medicine—A Six Webinar Series
SESSION 5 of 6
Date Recorded:June 5, 2024
Recording Length:1:00:34
For this fifth installment of a six-webinar series, join us to hear how Dr. Ryan of the Virginia Mason Medical Center is utilizing surgical optimization as part of a multidisciplinary approach to 3D Cell Culture Chemosensitivity in HGG Patients.
High-grade glioma (HGG) patients have extremely poor prognoses. Limited diagnostic tools to accurately predict treatment responses leads to challenges in selecting effective therapeutic options. This interactive discussion will feature real world clinical cases presented by Dr. Roby Ryan of the Virginia Mason Medical Center, where a new functional precision oncology assay was used to direct therapy. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive Q&A with Dr. Ryan.
This Functional Precision Medicine Webinar Series is powered by OncoLens. On a single, secure platform, OncoLens data science, informatics and advanced collaboration tools provide a first of a kind platform for targeted treatment planning and confident clinical decision making.
Watch Session Cases Individually
Case #1 — 25 yo male with large left frontal lesion
No significant past medical history
6 months of progressive headaches
Several weeks of personality changes, then new onset seizure
Case #2 — 74 yo female with left temporal lesion
Several months of progressive cognitive impairment
Several days of pronounce confusion
Receptive aphasia and mild right side weakness
Case #3 — 61 yo female with left temporal lesion
Several months of feeling unwell and word finding difficulty
New onset seizure event
Case #4 — 28 yo male with hemorrhagic L temporal lesion
No significant PMHX
Presented at work with sudden severe headache and LOC
Required intubation for airway protection and imaging
Right frontal EVD

Roby Ryan, MD
Co-Director of Neuro-Oncology
Virginia Mason Medical Center
High Grade Glioma (HGG) Functional Precision Medicine Webinar Series
Scott Isacksen
VP, Sales
Other Sessions
- Session 1 — Watch Dr. Litvack and Dr. Phillips discuss their HGG cases
- Session 2 — Watch Dr. Mrugala of the Mayo Clinic discuss his HGG cases
- Session 3 — Watch Dr. Rodriguez of the University of Arkansas discuss her HGG cases
- Session 4 — Watch Dr. Odia from Miami Cancer Institute at Baptist Health South Florida discuss her HGG cases
- Session 5 — Watch Dr. Ryan from Virginia Mason Medical Center discuss his HGG cases
- Session 6 — details to be announced