Solutions for Academic Institutions
and NCI-Designated Cancer Centers
Leading Cancer Care Institutions count on OncoLens to provide timely, precision multidisciplinary cancer care solutions.
The OncoLens platform offers unique advantages for academic cancer centers,
teaching hospitals, and the patients and communities they serve.
teaching hospitals, and the patients and communities they serve.
OncoLens’ academic customers utilize OncoLens to:
Collaborate across wide-reaching networks of providers and community clinic partners
Identify clinical trial matches for patients at Academic Institutions but also within the larger community
Extend their internal expertise to the community through peer-to-peer opinions
Standardize cancer conference discussions across disease types
Identify patients who can benefit from key services including CAR-T cell therapies or bone marrow transplant
Today leading institutions rely on OncoLens to drive clinical trial research,
multidisciplinary care, and affiliate network engagement.
multidisciplinary care, and affiliate network engagement.
Oncology patients under care
within the network
within the network
Accuracy in AI-driven Patient ID
from unstructured data
from unstructured data
Multidisciplinary case discussions
Customer Highlights

Customer Highlight
University of Kentucky Engages
Affiliate Network with OncoLens

Statewide multidisciplinary care network enhancing care coordination, support services, and availability to new treatment options
Increasing clinical trial access and engagement across network
Statewide multidisciplinary care network enhancing care coordination, support services, and availability to new treatment options
Increasing clinical trial access and engagement across network

Customer Highlight
Ohio State University Collaborates with OncoLens to Increase Clinical Trial Patient Referrals

Connecting affiliates & physician practices across the state
Experts join community tumor boards, share care pathways, increase referrals and refer clinical trails
Utilizing OncoLens Collaborate to help identify patients for clinical trials in the throughout Ohio
Connecting affiliates & physician practices across the state
Experts join community tumor boards, share care pathways, increase referrals and refer clinical trails
Utilizing OncoLens Collaborate to help identify patients for clinical trials in the throughout Ohio

Customer Highlight
University Medical Center Engages OncoLens
to Facilitate Clinical Trial Matching

Utilizing AI, OncoLens automated the patient identification process
OncoLens screened and identified 55 new patients for Melanoma Clinical Trial
OncoLens identified 70 new patient matches for NSCLC research study in a cohort of 2,600
Utilizing AI, OncoLens automated the patient identification process
OncoLens screened and identified 55 new patients for Melanoma Clinical Trial
OncoLens identified 70 new patient matches for NSCLC research study in a cohort of 2,600
Next Level Clinical Trial Referrals
The clinical trial matching capabilities within OncoLens are embedded directly into the native workflow. Results are presented in real-time and are based on the individual patient case. Additional dynamic sort layers help you curate a list of available trials based on your patient population, location, and preferences.
Delivers interactive, real-time search capability at the case level
As clinicians are discussing a case, the OncoLens system is providing the latest clinical trial opportunities based on search parameters, in real-time within the workflow.
Uses NLP to drive matching and eligibility
We make sense of structured and unstructured data so that clinical trials are prioritized based on the patient and the context embedded within the case.
Enables geo-location, dynamic sorting and the ability to limit results based on a desired distance
You can restrict and expand the clinical trials presented based on your preferences and the patient’s location.
Provides the ability to sort, pin, and exclude trails to ease search visibility
You can make sure that what is presented reflects your priorities and minimizes data noise.
Build Your Timely, Precision Multidisciplinary Cancer Care Platform
Explore the OncoLens Modules
OncoLens platform offers the next level of multidisciplinary cancer care, consisting of seven integrated modules, to ensure a single source of information. Both Academic Oncology programs and NCI-Designated Cancer Centers can customize a solution that meets organizational requirements, patients’ needs and the highest levels of quality outcomes.

OncoLens Molecular
Store, search and research recommendations and pathways by biomarker alterations. Create your own searchable IP that can be shared across your network of affiliates.

OncoLens Analyze
Tap into your data to find new opportunities for revenue or derive key insights into operational and clinical metrics. Reports include patient journey reports, cohort or feasibility analysis, tumor registry and facility reports.

OncoLens Patient Finder
Find patients with real time updated reports matching to key services such as trials, CAR-T therapies, or genomic testing. Our patient tracking features help you to act and monitor those patients along their journey.

OncoLens Image Share
Share, store and review radiology images on a single digital platform across the network.

OncoLens Conference
Next level management of cancer conferences, multi-disciplinary team meetings and clinical decision making.
OncoLens has really helped turn our conference around. We were not getting much physician involvement, zero Radiology participation and minimal Pathology involvement (really just reading path reports). Now we have MUCH more physician involvement, we’ve gone from almost no discussion to meaningful/robust discussions. Our Radiologist remotes in and shares from PACS and our Pathology team is uploading images. We’ve come full 180 with the help of OncoLens.
Get the Proof: Next Level Multidisciplinary Cancer Care
OncoLens Conference and Collaborate Immediately Improve Quality
OncoLens delivers real-time efficiency and standardization for care teams as they prepare for and conduct virtual, in-person, and hybrid cancer conferences. A comprehensive patient view including pathology, radiology and molecular testing is available to all care team members.
increase in the number of quality cases discussed per cancer conference
increase in patient access to multidisciplinary discussions
increase in physician and care team engagement
increase in quality review per case
increase in multidisciplinary cancer care team efficiency and coordination
Dive Deeper in OncoLens Care Foundation Modules

OncoLens Conference
Automatically identifies best practice protocols for the patient under discussion—including evidence-based guidelines, clinical trials, customized pathways, and latest research—and delivers these insights directly within the workflow
Eliminates the back and forth required with pathology and radiology by automating the data collection workflow
Streamlines administrative tasks, automatically marking and generating attendance reports required for accreditation
Prompts the team to consider the various quality metrics important to the condition being discussed
Drives in-network referrals to services provided within individual facilities (CAR-T therapies, radiation services, etc.)
Supports the development and dissemination of disease specific care pathways and protocols across your care network

OncoLens Collaborate
You’ve invested heavily in bringing the best to your cancer center including world-class specialists with lifesaving treatments.
OncoLens Collaborate enables asynchronous submission and case review and supports sharing of multiple modalities, including PACS studies, pathology images, and test results.
Secure, real-time patient case collaboration, inside and outside of your Oncology program, builds relationships that can:
Increase referrals by up to 50%
Improve physician engagement
More than double guideline adherence
Increase clinical trial participation
Securely Bringing It All Together
OncoLens Integrate, Secure SSO and Image Share ensure interoperability for multidisciplinary cancer care teams to perform at their peak with secure and comprehensive patient information. Together, these modules deliver actionable informatics, next level collaboration, and targeted clinical decision making.
Learn More About
Interoperability Modules

OncoLens Integrate
The Integrate module delivers EMR and Cancer Registry integration.
This unprecedented combination of clinical and cancer conference data supports ease of accreditation reporting for Commission on Cancer (CoC), National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), National Accreditation Program for Rectal Cancer (NAPRC).

With EMR integration, cancer care teams have an all-inclusive view of a patient including clinical, lab, genomic and imaging information to support clinical decisions.
OncoLens’ EMR Solution is Proven,
Flexible and Compliant.
OncoLens’ EMR integration has exceeded my expectations. It has virtually eliminated redundant data entry, freeing up more time for multidisciplinary patient care.
— Hannah Acton, Tumor Board Coordinator
UK Markey Cancer Center
UK Markey Cancer Center



The American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the Commission on Cancer (CoC) advocate for concurrent abstracting and more timely submissions, but cancer programs, specifically registry teams, struggle to find innovative ways to meet this demand.

OncoLens Integration customers can REDUCE CASE FINDING TIME BY AN AVERAGE OF 40%.

Ascension St. Thomas
More than 80% of the new cancer cases imported into CRStar were “Ready to Abstract.”

OncoLens Secure SSO
OncoLens Secure SSO enables single sign on (SSO) capabilities through your active directory. SSO authentication is a clear win for clinicians.
Not only does it enhance security, it:
Facilitates technology adoption across clinicians
Streamlines the workflow
Supports and ensures compliance
Amplifies automation across systems
Helps improve clinicians’ perceptions of technology deployments and IT

OncoLens Image Share
One of the biggest barriers to multidisciplinary treatment planning is the ability to securely share radiology studies with peers and care team members. For cancer programs that require enhanced capabilities to upload, share, store, and comment on digital images, we offer OncoLens Image Share.
This module enables DICOM image imports from local drives, PACS, CDs, or through a direct gateway. Images are viewed through our web-based 510(k) FDA class II diagnostic viewer, which is fully integrated into the OncoLens Platform.
Rapid Access to Patient Informatics
and Accreditation
OncoLens’ Molecular and Analyze and Patient Finder modules drive comprehensive reporting, proprietary patient finder technology, and multidisciplinary reporting to shorten the accreditation and quality improvement path.
Cancer centers and care teams can now create their own unique database combining prior treatment recommendations and 3rd party recommendations including our partner Caris Life Sciences .

OncoLens Molecular
Easily engage molecular pathologists, specialists, and external experts to guide and inform precision medicine discussions. Genomic data from NGS (next generation sequencing) reports can often be hard to interpret and visualize clearly. OncoLens Molecular assists in the clearer visualization and assessment of genomic data, alongside the patient’s clinical data and studies.
With OncoLens Molecular, care teams can:
View integrated NGS test results in structured fields
Harness the power of their prior treatment plans and discussions to guide future decisions
View best practices and links to actionable therapies narrowed down by alteration/variant type
View clinical trial matches from OncoLens’ AI driven clinical trial matching engine or those suggested by NGS partners

OncoLens Analyze and Patient Finder
OncoLens Analyze and Patient Finder solutions help cancer programs find a shorter and more rapid path to accreditation, clinical trial matching and quality improvement.
Our accreditation solutions include standardized, automated, and downloadable reports for CoC, NAPBC and NAPRC accreditation.

This module gives you the visibility into key hidden metrics within your clinical data. Data that can be powerful when aggregated to provide insights. These include assessments of factors such as:
Time from diagnosis to case review
Percentage of patients with biomarker testing and results at the time of initial treatment planning
Number of patients referred to clinical trials
Time from case review and treatment planning to treatment initiation
Number of multidisciplinary team discussions during treatment
Number of patients referred to key services like CAR-T and specialty therapies
Building and Engaging Affiliate Cancer Care Networks
Learn how these cancer care leaders successfully build and engage affiliate cancer care networks in the communities that they serve with technology and OncoLens.

Chris Rhoades, MD
Dir. Clinical Operations & Community Engagement
The James Cancer Network
The James Cancer Network

Christina Longnecker, JD, MBA, BSN, RN
VP, Oncology Services
Siteman Cancer Network
Siteman Cancer Network

Laura Sample, MHA, FACHE
Oncology Network Administrator
MUSC Hollings Cancer Center
MUSC Hollings Cancer Center

Timothy W. Mullett, MD, MBA, FACS
Medical Director
UK Markey Cancer Center Affiliate and Research Networks
UK Markey Cancer Center Affiliate and Research Networks
“We have really streamlined our clinical trial screening process, and we’ve been working with OncoLens to do that in an electronic platform that encourages our affiliates physicians to screen patients even before they see them, as a first visit. Physicians give us patient information in advance, and in turn we can inform them of available clinical trials. Patients will know that a trial is an option during the first visit.”
Schedule a demo today to see how your Academic or NCI Cancer Center can benefit
Want to learn more about OncoLens solutions?
Reach out to us and schedule a demo. See how OncoLens can bring multidisciplinary cancer care into focus.